Workshop: The State-Owned Enterprise as Site of Solidarity and Conflict
13 – 14 February 2025, Vienna
Location: IOG Seminarraum, Hof 3, Altes AKH, University of Vienna
A joint event of the MSCA project WORK-AGE-JUST and the FWF-GAČR project Linking Arms
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Participation in the ELHN Conference, European Labour History Network
In June 2024, Radka Šustrová talked about her ongoing research on workplace justice in twentieth-century Austria and Czechoslovakia at the 5th ELHN Conference, European Labour History Network.
Book discussion on Nations Apart
On May 15, 2024, Nations Apart. Czech Nationalism and Authoritarian Welfare under Nazi Rule, authored by Radka Šustrová, took place at Campus of Vienna University. Winson Chu (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/VWI), Jochen Böhler (Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies) and Philipp Ther (University of Vienna) and Radka Šustrová discussed doing research on occupied Europe.